The simplest form is a free externship, which is required to provide any regular public school. This requires the application to the Director, written by parents of a student or his / her legal representatives. This extern reserves the right to use the school library to participate in contests, competitions and testing. The number of consultations before exams, the opportunity to use the laboratory and other facilities of the school is regulated by local laws. This form of external studies does not imply the reduction of terms of training. All responsibility for gaining knowledge goes to the student and his parents.
Translated into free external is responsible for their own learning and in school only comes for exams.
Schools with a license for the provision of paid educational services offer a more interesting option, allowing to study the program of grades 10 and 11 in one year. It - intensive, the service, appearing on a paid basis. Training takes place on a special schedule. A few times a week it is necessary to attend classes in school. You can engage individually or in a small group, may also receive assignments via the Internet. Definitely need to do homework, and tests. Training intensity is very different from how learning in a regular school. Material examined modules, i.e., the extern is given the basic theory on one subject, practical tasks. After some time the test is run. After the test is successfully completed, begins the next study module (subject).
According to the law, does not require any special reasons to claim the right to finish school without attending lectures. This right is enshrined in the law "On education" and the Regulation "On receiving a General education in the form of external".
Useful advice
The cost of individual consultations in school is about the same as home-based Tutors. Group lessons will cost much cheaper. Taking a decision about the external common school, be sure to check for written agreement on the exams in public school, otherwise it is impossible to obtain a valid instrument of education.