Find a publisher that is willing to Fund your project. The choice depends on many factors, including the profile of the book. If you create fiction, to submit the results of their work all publishers - it will increase your chances that you will see your text published.
If you want to publish the scientific or educational literature, try to get a grant for its writing or publication. Grants there are both Russian and foreign. Information about don to your workplace, for example,in a University Department or the Dean. You can also contact third-party organizations - research institutes, nonprofit foundations - and look for funding there. To increase the chances of the stock recommendations from serious scholars in your field. Also free edition might be the inclusion of your book in the academic plan of your College or University.
Prepare the text for publication. Make it according to customer requirements, up to the size of the indent at the beginning of the paragraph. It is desirable to prepare a test to be sent in two versions - printed and electronic. If you have the opportunity, hire a professional proofreader to correct your mistakes and stylistic inaccuracies. In the absence of funds to attract rereading at least relatives or friends - always a useful perspective on creativity.
If your text is not accepted for publication free of charge, in printed form, try to contact one of the online publishers. There your book will be able to issue in the electronic form that will allow you to distribute, including the cost of copyright will remain with you. Subsequently, if you wish, you can re-publish it in printed form.