You will need
    • Waffles yeast:
    • 150 g butter;
    • 350 g of milk;
    • 15 g of dry yeast;
    • 300 g flour;
    • 3 eggs;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 3 tablespoons of sugar.
    • Vanilla wafers;
    • 180 g of butter;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 3 eggs;
    • a pinch of vanillin;
    • 300 g of flour.
Baking thin wafers of the tubes you need electrovalence. With her help round corrugated sheets are prepared very quickly. The main thing is to make the dough, to product is crunchy and melting in your mouth.
Try to make waffles with yeast. In a saucepan pour the 2/3 Cup of milk, add butter. Warm the mixture, stirring and not allowing it to boil until the butter is completely melted. Remove the pot from the stove and stir into it the yeast, sugar, a pinch of salt.
In a separate bowl, mix the Cup of milk and three eggs. Pour the Creamed mixture into the sourdough mix and flour. Spread the dough to it has no lumps, and put it in a warm place for an hour. During this time the mixture should increase in volume by three times.
If you want to wait until the yeast dough, prepare a mixture for the waffles any other way. Melt the butter, whisk the eggs with the sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Pour the egg mixture into the oil, stir, portions add the flour and mash until smooth. The dough is ready for baking.
The inner surface of the waffle iron. brush with vegetable oil. Turn on the machine and warm it. In the center of the bottom plane of the waffle iron with a small ladle pour the batter, lower the top cover. The wafer is baked for about 3 minutes, it should acquire a nice Golden color. Gently remove it and quickly until the pastry is cooled, roll the waffle into a tube or cone and set aside on a dish to cool.
Prepared waffles can be filled with. Chop walnuts, mix them with condensed milk and with a spoon put in waffle cones. A good option of filling can be custard or butter cream, whipped cream or cottage cheese pounded with sugar, cream and berries. But the waffle was tasty without the filling - sprinkle them with icing sugar or serve with ice cream and chocolate sauce.