I must admit that the exam in biology is quite complex, as it checks the knowledge accumulated over all the years of studying this subject. In fact negative. If most of the exams ask questions, most of which is based on the textbooks of class 11, biology, the acts of the General rules and can easily come across a question that was studied three or four years ago (7 – 8th grade). So the only true way to prepare for the exam in biology will advance sadasivuni this issue.
It should be noted that only knowledge from the textbook will not help. Will have to attend a course or buy a watch from a tutor. Otherwise school knowledge can only be sufficient for parts A and B.
You can write crib. But on the exam they do not. They are written in order to repeat memorized material. In such a situation it is doubly beneficial. First, the material is read, and the part is saved and then written. Therefore, there must be absorbed more material, and this, in turn, will increase the chances to pass the exam successfully.
And the day before the exam to relax, rest and sleep. Because a rested brain is capable of better work than the brain, which was exhausted of the constant cramming and stress.