If you live in a large city, pay attention to billboards, mostly small. Occasionally there are ads about buying used tires. While driving in any case, do not be distracted by writing down phone numbers and do not slow down in the flow. To record or photograph the telephone number can the passenger. And if the machine is set to the DVR, find the coordinates of the point of reception will be at home, watching the recording. These ads are also sometimes applied to the sides of cars, vans.
Try to offer the rubber in the tire repair items. Choose the largest of them, particularly those that are positioned as "tire centers" - they are tires from the population buy more.
Type in any search engine the phrase "buy b/a tires (the name of your city)". You can also search for the phrase "sell used tires (the name of your city)". If the organization (but not individual) sells old tires, then it likely buys them.
More effective to take the initiative yourself and post your own online ad to sell tires. For this it is best to use those electronic Bulletin boards, where the sale and purchase of rubber there is a separate category. Below is a link to a section of one of these sites designed for ad placement on relevant topics in Moscow. On the same resource, there are similar sections in other cities.
If you are unable to determine the price at which going to sell the tires, use the services of online auctions. They can set a minimum buy price for you, and buyers willing to pay more to offer their. The link to the appropriate section of the auction "Hammer" is also given below. And to accommodate your lot, click on the link "Sell a lot in this category."