You will need
  • - painkillers;
  • - warmer;
  • - chocolate and bananas;
  • doctor.
One of the main recommendations is to take analgesic drug. It can be any form of issue - tablets, syrup, drops etc. One of the most effective and safe is this drug as "Ibuprofen". Drink the quantity of a medicine which is spelled out in the instructions. But do not expect that the pain will leave you instantly - you'll have to wait 15-30 minutes. To the drug worked better to start taking it 1-2 days before menstrual bleeding.
In some cases, to get rid of menstrual pain helps heat. Put on the lower abdomen hands - it is desirable to choose the point where the most sick. The heat generated by the hands, will help soothe the discomfort. Sometimes for these purposes use a hot water bottle filled with hot water. Just don't overdo it, it should be moderately hot - not hot. Otherwise the risk to treat the skin burns.
Those who do not help neither tablets, nor heat, sometimes recommend physical activity. For example, jumping or squats. Thus increases the flow of blood and relieves pain.
Get rid of the discomfort with sleep. Leave all Affairs and activities, take off from work and sleep. Due to the General relaxation of the body can take and the pain intense abdomen.
Reduce pain, engorged your body with happy hormones i.e. endorphins. To do this, simply eat regular chocolate, banana or drink a Cup of cocoa.
Sometimes the problem with regular pain help to solve hormones or, as they are called combined oral contraceptives. However, remember that to take such kind of medicines is necessary only after a thorough examination and consultation. Because wrong drugs can only worsen the situation.
Quite often for getting rid of pain recommend yoga. They restore balance and harmony between the mental and physical condition of women.