A blank sheet of paper need to split in half the thin vertical line. She will need to make some parts of picture of girls were symmetric.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
On the top of the vertical line you want to draw a small circle (the head girl).
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
Next, from the bottom of the circle you want to draw a trapezoid. The middle will be the Central vertical line. A-line is dress future girls. The upper side should be bend down. Thus, the little girl appears neck.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
Now little girls need to finish the sleeves. The sleeves in the picture are 2 of the circle located at the top of the trapezoid.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
Next, a girl should draw the feet, shod in light shoes with straps.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
Sleeves dresses, you need to add a small rectangular cuffs. Left hand girls fully draw not necessarily. Let it be hidden behind the heroine of the picture. But the right hand need to draw a little over compressed in a fist with a brush.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
The Central auxiliary line can be erased with an eraser. Now we need to draw the girl's face: neatly round nose, large eyes with long eyelashes and charming smile.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
All the girls love pretty hairdos. Here and heroine figure, you should make a fashionable bangs and a few long tails braided round elastic. By the way, don't forget about the small, barely visible ears girls.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
To the right hand girls do not remain empty, you must draw it, for example, a beautiful flower.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
It remains to remove the excess pencil lines with an eraser, legs of girls a line knee length, and in the eye, add the pupils. Drawn with a pencil on paper girl is ready.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>
Now you need to paint with bright colors or markers. It turned out that to paint a girl, not so difficult.
How to draw <strong>girl</strong>