Often in women whose pregnancy lasts longer than the period, changed the character of menstrual function is observed too early or too late start of menstruation, irregular periods. Also the cause of post-term pregnancy may be a lack of the hormones necessary for the development of labor. Ovarian hypofunction, chronic inflammation of the appendages, liver disease, stomach or intestine is also often observed with this condition. The delayed may be due to the emotional turmoil suffered by the woman. In addition, it is possible to assume overdue, if you had a threatened miscarriage and she was taking hormonal means of reducing the tone of the uterus. Such women usually hospitalityat in advance to conduct pre-delivery preparation.
To avoid overdue, it is necessary first of all to implement all recommendations of the doctor that you want to visit regularly. Follow the diet in the last months of pregnancy. During this period, limit meat, fatty sour cream and cottage cheese, yeast, flour products and sweets. Choose fruits, dried fruit, vegetables, porridges on the water, seafood, nuts, and greens. Due to this non-strict vegetarian joints and muscles will become flexible and plastic.
Exercise-stretches to prepare for childbirth, joint exercises, relaxation exercises. Don't forget about daily walks in the fresh air, swimming, belly dance, yoga for pregnant women. They will improve the supply of all organs with oxygen and nutrients and, in addition, will be prevention perenashivanie pregnancy.
Don't forget to talk with your baby. He feels your attitude to childbirth, call him, invite, but don't be too impatient.
Lean on dates, because they contain a significant amount of natural oxytocin hormone which causes uterine contractions. Another means of enhancing the fight - a tea of raspberry leaves and nettle.
Doctors recommend to prepare for childbirth the cervix consume evening primrose oil 1-3 capsules per day. Have the same effect candle "Buscopan" that begin to put the two weeks prior to delivery twice a day. Instead of "Buscopan" sometimes use candles with belladonna, they have similar effect.
Sex is a pretty common method to induce labor. In semen contains prostaglandins, which help ripen the cervix. Of course, there are also contraindications: previa or low position of the placenta, infection the partner to. Sex should not be too active so as not to cause the detachment of the placenta.
Practice actively massage the breast, including the nipple region. Such manipulations promote the release of oxytocin that helps induce labor. These methods and an active lifestyle in the last weeks of pregnancy helps to avoid the post, will accelerate the process of childbirth and make it less painful.