You will need
  • - The labour code of the Russian Federation;
  • - documents of the employee;
  • - contract with the employee;
  • printing company, documents of the organization;
  • form of order (form T-1);
  • - the form of orders on staff;
  • - personal card.
When applying for the post of specialist employment contract drawn up, which shall be deemed effective from the moment of signing of this document by both parties. Then issued a order (use form T-1), and based on the last entry headhunters in the document confirming labor activity of the worker.
If the employee is newly recruited, has not commenced the execution of labour function defined by the Treaty, there are grounds to cancel the agreement (contract) with such a specialist. By law, a period during which the employee is obliged to start performance of duties. Thus, the worker needs to begin its work within a week from the date of signing by both parties of the employment contract. It is also possible to nullify the contract in case of absence in the company of a specialist during the week for no good reason. If the employee is absent for a valid reason (illness, etc.) in the workplace, in this case, to cancel the labor contract is impossible, as this behavior of the employer would be a gross violation of the law.
In the absence of an employee in a one week period at your workplace you should make a report. Enlist two or three witnesses the violation of labor discipline. Familiarize each witness with the act under the signature.
Wait for the attendance of the employee to the company. Note that without the explanatory notes there is not enough. Ask the employee to write such a document. In the absence of good cause to start the procedure of cancellation of the contract with the specialist.
Make a order. As the topic write a cancellation of order of appointment to the post. The reason in this case is the absence of the employee in a weekly period since the conclusion of the contract. In the administrative part write the date, the number of the order that is cancelled. Second paragraph write, referring to article 61 of the labor code that the agreement (contract) is revoked. Familiarize the employee with the order under the signature.
Close the personal card of the employee, make an entry in the main document, confirming the work of a specialist. In base, write the number, date of order for cancellation of orders on employment, business, reference clause 4 of article 61 of the LC RF, the fact of cancellation of the employment contract. Assure the record is printed, signed by the Director or other responsible person. Familiarize the employee with the record about the cancellation of the contract under the signature.