Consider the place of the Department in the overall structure of the enterprise, determine its relationships with other structural units, as well as horizontal management vertical. Provide a planned flow of technical Department the necessary tools, materials, raw materials and components, and also timely acceptance of its products and reporting.
Develop a position about the Department, which describe its functions and objectives, purpose, goals, rights, responsibilities and the statutory basis for its activities. Prepare job descriptions for each job and secure the other methodical and instructive materials, which the employee is obliged to be guided by in its activities. Define the personal responsibility of each employee of the Department for the proper fulfilment of its duties and ad hoc assignments head of the Department. Set the amount and the hierarchical order of command posts.
The specifics of the technical Department suggests the presence of fairly strict requirements for education and experience of its head. Develop a position about the head of the Department or include these requirements in the text of the regulation about the Department. Specify the criteria that must be met by the person applying for this position.
Provide the Department with the necessary material resources, equipment and personnel required for its successful functioning and implementation of objectives. If the issue with the staff not solved, give instructions to HR about the selection of personnel with the necessary qualifications. Organize training and certification of employees of division.
Review the remuneration system, adjust it to increase the motivation of employees. Use other methods – involve them in solving production issues, encourage adoption of new technologies, proposals for the rationalization of labor.
Ensure that technical Department was provided with all necessary reference books, periodicals, special publications. Provide its employees with access to the Internet is a prerequisite for productive work of contemporary technical specialists.