Any check capacitor is fully discharged, both its output should be disconnected from any other circuits. Neglect of this rule in danger of electric shock and equipment damage.
Connect the ohmmeter capacitor (electrolytic is in the right polarity). First, through the device should go current, but after charging it needs to stop. The small capacitors it turns so fast that the ohmmeter does not have time to react. Help penlight batteries, connected in series with the headphones. Such a probe must be connected to the capacitor several times. If the click will be heard only when you first connect, the device is working properly. If the current continues to flow, there is a breakdown, does not occur even if charge is open.
To detect intermittent breakdowns, which manifests itself only at an operating voltage, make the circuit of the voltage source, equal to the condenser, the milliammeter and the load, limiting the current to a safe value. Electrolytic capacitor connect in the correct polarity. Current must first occur, and then rapidly decrease to zero. Turning off voltage, discharge the capacitor.
Leak check the capacitor, charging it up to operating voltage, and then disconnect from the power source. After some time, check the voltage on the capacitor with a voltmeter. Electrolytic capacitor should hold a charge for at least half an hour, and any other - at least a few hours. After checking the discharge component.
The capacity check, perform by using a bridge device. Select such a limit, which by rotating the handle of the bridge the sound disappears. Find the location of the pointer in which the sound disappears completely, and read the capacitance value on the scale. Compare it with the nominal.
To check the equivalent series resistance, use a generator operating at a frequency at which the capacitive resistance can be neglected. The generator must produce a sine wave voltage to the voltmeter and the AC voltmeter worked with the least possible error. Divide the voltmeter readings of the milliammeter (pre-translated in the SI system), and you will receive the equivalent series resistance of the capacitor in ohms. The smaller it is, the better.