You will need
  • program firewall;
  • connection to the Internet.
To block traffic of the Internet use special software-firewall. Like a lot of programs, but to find the right hard enough. This is due to the security policy provided by the developers, the problem mainly lies in a rather rude approach to the settings, about the free programs, often they are unavailable Russian interface.
If you have the opportunity, get paid software for your computer because it is the most easy to use and allows for more fine-tuning. You can use the program Sygate Personal Firewall, Outpost Firewall FREE and so on. Best read reviews from other users regarding their use.
Selecting the program for blocking traffic, download it from the official website of the developer. If necessary, pay for its use, and then install it on your computer, then mandatory reboot to apply the settings, before that please back up the data on your computer and close programs that use the Internet.
After the computer restarts, run the initial setup program. Locate a point charge of blocking traffic. You can set restrictions depending on the software you use. Lock incoming, outgoing or total information flow passing through the network equipment, and apply the changes.
If you want to block traffic for certain programs, please indicate in the security settings of firewall, preventing applications from accessing the flow of information. Then add the desired programs to the exclusion list and save the changes.