Use the textbooks in the Azerbaijani language, which is free to access. On the Internet you can easily find tutorials on many languages of the world. The Azerbaijani language is no exception. The choice, of course, small, but for a start it is quite suitable textbooks, which is the basics of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.
Buy teach Azerbaijani language at the bookstore. You can use the electronic version. Plus unlike the previous step is that you will be able to choose the textbook for your language level and desired intensity of training. Minus is that you will have to spend a certain amount of money - about 500-700 rubles.
Find tutor of the Azerbaijani language in your city. If you live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another major city, then find a tutor who can teach the basics of the language, it's easy. In big cities there are a lot of Azerbaijanis, including students of linguistics and Philology. They know how to teach foreign languages.

To find prospective Tutors possible through query on the discussion forums or in social networks.
Find a tutor online. If you can't find good tutor in your town, that is otherwise addressing this issue. The study of foreign languages via Skype has already entered into modern life.

To find a tutor you can in the same way as in the previous step, with the help of the Internet. However, in this case, you don't need to find a teacher in your town. Can learn the language with a tutor living in Moscow or Baku.

With payment issues when working remotely, too, should not arise. Electronic money is easy to transfer into e-wallet from your instructor, no matter where he was. It is also possible to pay through the Internet Bank, using a Deposit card.
Go on holiday in Azerbaijan. After gaining some basic knowledge, you freeze, having lived some time in this wonderful country. Which is better - a two-week vacation or journey for several months; choose something to your taste and budget.