Make an appointment with a therapist or Laura. Your doctor will refer you for tests, and will also take a scraping from the affected tissue. The tests are done immediately, but the treatment will be assigned on the same day. And if necessary podkorrektirovatj when it becomes clear what caused the fungus. Usually recommend to take "Flucostat", "fluconazole", "Nystatin" and similar drugs. The dosage is selected individually, as well as the pattern of use.
Add in a glass of water 1 tablespoon of tincture of propolis, stir well. Gargle and mouth 5 times a day. If you can't tolerate propolis, use a solution "Maraslavin".
Dissolve in mouth lozenges, which are mainly used for the treatment of angina. "Septolete" or "Strepsils". These products contain active ingredients, which are perfectly cope with the fungus in the mouth. Suitable aerosols, for example "Ingalipt", "Tantum Verde" and similar. Please read the application instructions, which is included in the carton with the drug.
Lubricate the affected areas of the mucosa Lugol's three times a day. Pre-gargle with a weak solution of sea salt or decoction of chamomile (a tablespoon per Cup of boiling water).
Go on reception to the immunologist. You need to restore the immune system, because it is the cause of the failure, and you experience a fungal infection of the mucous membranes.
After complete recovery, the propene course of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They restore the intestinal flora, which also plays an important role in maintaining the immune system.