Set clear rules and expect respect

Children who believe that they can do whatever they want, prone to whining and tantrums when their demands are not met. Children who understand that there are clearly defined boundaries, learn to self-regulate and to respect limits.

Teach them problem-solving skills

One of the main reasons why children behave badly is because they feel frustrated and powerless. When you cultivate in children the skills necessary for self-understanding, they behave better. In this case, your children will not scream and call for help every time they face a problem.

Put the emphasis on empathy

How many times have you had to play the role of a judge in situations where your preschooler took a friend's toy or refused to share with her sister? Children are born believing that the world revolves around them. So the sooner you help them understand that everyone has feelings and emotions, the less likely that they will behave in ways that annoy or hurt other people.

Teach them patience

No one likes to wait, especially with small children. It's difficult for them mentally and psychologically, as children survive due to the announcement of their needs all at once. Therefore, it is important for parents to teach your toddler patience from an early age. Want the children developed a resistance to feeling of irritation, which is often unpleasant. Then they won't misbehave or act impulsively in the face of this feeling in the future.

You don't teach your children to discipline themselves overnight. Undoubtedly, there will be times when children are ill, what would you do. They are children, in the end. But if you continue to focus on the listed, sooner or later, these lessons will yield results. Then your educated child will need less and less intervention from you.