As practice shows, not all children accept the new setting. Many kids react with tears to a new unfamiliar people, with whom I spend time. The separation from my mother for them a strong emotional impact. Therefore, the older the child, the faster he can adjust and adapt. The good addictive age for admission to kindergarten 2.5-3 years.

Do not leave baby during the first days of adaptation for a long time. Enough for the first day and 2 hours. The period of adaptation occurs in all different ways, sometimes just 1-2 weeks, some need months.

Baby hard to adjust to the new regime and to adapt to new requirements. Parents need to know in advance the regime of the kindergarten that want to give your baby, and to comply with the order of the day. First, it is necessary to accustom the child to the potty, kindergartens diapers is not the place. You also need to organize a night the child's sleep, abrupt awakening in the morning leads only to the whims and irritability. Much better when the baby wakes up by itself. Possible option to Wake the baby 10 minutes earlier, let him have the opportunity to luxuriate in bed. The child should be able to dress myself, and behave at the table, and in game situations. The kid should use the Cutlery.

Less emotional stress. In the period of adaptation to the garden, baby for a day experiences experiences. So the atmosphere at home should be normal, and all innovations should be minimal. Even in the most painful addiction of a child to kindergarten, parents often make the mistake of starting to punish and blame the kid for tantrums and tears. Parents are required only patience.

Having a child in the garden, mums are beginning to give kids less time. It is not correct. A young mother should not show this behavior to your child as he will feel that he has fallen out of love. When you go home from kindergarten you need to communicate with the child, ask how he spent the time and that was exciting. When a child begins to tell you with pleasure everything that's happening in the garden, so he's already accustomed.

The main rule in the period of adaptation is the care and love of family.