Aesthetically kitsch – bad taste, which emphasized exaggerated. Selected shades and textures sharply discord among themselves. The emergence of this kind of interiors in society is typical for the so-called break times: when one phase is coming to its logical conclusion, and the new aesthetic trends are still not formed.

Directions of development of the kitsch two. The first is the imitation of the classics. It would seem, a refined interior, artsy atmosphere. However, for the decoration are chosen deliberately cheap materials. Dissonant colors and even different aharmonious between the upholstery of the chairs – all of it mocks the traditions of classical music, thereby forcing the company to look for something new.

Another direction of development of the kitsch – style nihilism. The interior is made in the most unusual way. Graffiti on the walls, nylon curtains, folded in the Cabinet design of the box. The direction of the Creek, about the disastrous financial situation in which the desire to stand out presses stronger.

As for the lighting, special trends and style rules are not required. It is quite suitable for pseudoclassical chandeliers and sconces, which can be complemented with candles in the candelabra to create an entourage. Kitsch poverty – complete freedom of choice of light sources.

The color palette in this style is chosen as bright and contrasting as possible. Interestingly, incongruous shades in this style simply does not exist, because only the will of the designer. Materials and decoration the same story. Metal, marble, plastic, glass and wood, but all that your heart desires. The interior in the style of kitsch allows you to combine and mix a variety of options and materials.