Variants of this design decision of making a mini-flower beds can be a lot and creating a flower garden is very accessible in terms of cost, financial and time. You can use the old barrel, cans, large pot, jug and so on, and as colors, you can use any low-growing plant. As for barrels, it is generally a universal tool for the realization of design ideas in the field of flower beds and flower beds.

There are numerous options with plastic and wooden barrels, in the ground, in the air (hanging, stacked), but now it's about a different kind of design of flower beds, which is very popular in Europe, and done correctly it will enhance any garden. Such a flower will be the perfect solution for a small area where space is tight, but something beautiful and unusual I want to do. Banal small flowerbed there are many, and this product will really distinguish your garden from the rest.

Consider one of the variants of create this floral masterpiece on your site. Place under a bed can be anything: a small slope or pitch, most importantly, to take into account the lighting of the site. Some low-growing flowers are very demanding to sunlight. As mentioned earlier, the capacity can be any, most harmoniously in the garden look large clay pots. Before them it was no problem to get in any market, and certainly you have in the shed somewhere gathering dust as unnecessary such capacity. Cracks and chips can always hide it by turning the pot to the ground and covering the other plants.

Next, you need the top soil for planting your flowers, in the tank it should be no more than 20 centimeters. If the size of the pot more, you may need a little more. Then the pot you need to dig up the soil about a third of the size, and his neck should look slightly up. The land for planting should be in the tank and a little scattered, as if it spilled.

Now on to the seedlings. How she will depart from the capacity, decide for yourself, too much is also not very nice, but like you spilled a couple of drops of colors, too, will not be a special decoration of the flowerbeds. As for the colors that fit the petunias, Lobelia, pansies and other small flowers. Succulents look good. Most importantly, learn how to care for them, and then this original flowerbed for a long time will delight your eyes.