Rule 1. Observation

Observe your reactions and actions in different situations. Observation must be impartial and objective, without presets and interpretations.

When observing mark: yeah, and now I was bored; and now — very interesting and want to develop the theme; now I'm at a loss; and in this situation, clearly know what to do, feel confident; when I was asked to do so-and-so, I gladly accepted and immediately taken such action; surrounding that reacted to my actions; when I was faced with such a problem, I fell into a stupor and confusion. And so on.

Supervision should be direct, in-line. Do not confuse observation with the idea of how you would have behaved in certain situations. The observation is directly in the process of life when you do something, talking to somebody, something react. Only then will it be less subjective.


Rule 2. Comparison

For accurate typing is necessary to compare people in the same situations. You may think that the logic you are all well: you know a lot, a bundle of facts and argue their opinion. However, don't jump to conclusions. Compare how the same (the volume and quality of knowledge, presentation of facts, the reasoning of the opinion) comes from other people in similar situations. It is desirable to compare themselves not with one person but with several, with different people.

To compare it is necessary to divide the weak and strong functions. You may feel that any function you have works well. But if this feature is weak in your social type, then your perception of good and bad manifestations incorrect. You need a comparison.

The more you compare, the more objective becomes your judgment about your socionic functions.


Rule 3. Accurate representation about the nature of socionic functions

This rule is to comply with the most difficult. But it is the most important. To observe ourselves from the viewpoint of socionics and compare yourself with other people, we need to clearly understand what you see and on what criteria to compare.

You need as close to reality representation of what sensing and intuition, logic and ethics in socionics. How manifest themselves extravertive and introverted functions located at different positions in the structure of a socionic personality type. If your theoretical ideas are "lame", the chances to produce the correct socionic observation and correct socionic comparison of reduced (and not reduced to zero, no, but significantly reduced).



In order to correctly determine a socionic personality type, in addition to compliance with these rules, you must add patience. "Haste makes waste". Avoid hasty typing, it is in most cases wrong. To gather enough facts through observation and comparison, time is necessary. The wider the range of situations in which you observe your own and other people's socionic phenomena, the higher the probability of a precise definition of the social type.

Good luck with the typing and zamotajlovi. And finally, let me remind you: it is better not to determine the sociotype at all, than to define it incorrectly.