The man, whose brain gets a sufficient amount of this hormone will be more active, joyful and satisfied with my life. If its production is insufficient, the person is prone to depression, the easier it falls into the doldrums. But that is no reason to despair, because the number of production of serotonin can and should be improved through nutrition, as well as some other methods.

Foods that increase serotonin levels is, of course, chocolate, or rather cocoa. Just need to know that cocoa contains not any chocolate, only dark bitter. There cocoa the most. You can also buy and eat cocoa beans. Fortunately, you can find them in many shops in the city.

To maintain of serotonin levels, we also need a so-called simple carbohydrates. They are digested and absorbed by the body fast enough. Such carbohydrates are found in many fruits and vegetables.

In addition to the food serotonin can be raised in other ways

In the first place, of course, sports. Any, especially those which require more activity and is done with joy and pleasure. With the help of massage you can also achieve this goal. Undoubtedly, the huge benefits to the human body the ultraviolet. Through it, you can also raise the level of serotonin. That is why, in a gray day you can see many gloomy faces, and on a Sunny day the mood Willy-nilly rises.

I would also like to note that even if there is insufficient sunlight you can simply indulge in pleasure and good memories or just dream under the beautiful music. In this case, serotonin levels will increase to a certain level, because the thoughts that we choose, especially in combination with wonderful music, capable to create a miracle within us and in our lives!