These unique clock tower at 98 meters above the level of the Thames. They have four dial capacity of 23 square feet, which look at all sides of the world. The minute hand has a length of 14 feet, and the clock is 2 feet in length.

Big Ben is one of the most accurate watches in the world. And if the clock begins to rush or lag, its pendulum is put on or removed a coin, which normalizes their activity.

The name big Ben refers to the name of hours. Trinadcatogo is the name of the bell inside the clock tower. It was named in honor of the head of the construction works of sir Benjamin Hall.

The history of the bells of London began in 1840, when the architect Charles Barry was made the reconstruction of the building of Westminster. It was decided to attach it to the Palace clock tower. The design of the tower was designed by the master of Gothic revival – Augustus Pugin.

In 1941 during the Second world war, an incendiary bomb destroyed the room in which sat the house of Commons of the UK Parliament. However, big Ben was hurt.

In the clock tower there is a prison cell. However, it is used rarely. The last case was registered in 1880.

In the room of the clock tower are only accessible to citizens of London and titled persons.

But there is nothing better than to see this miracle in person! Travel!