Study about how lactium chest, are held to this day. How does the process of milk production, and what you need to do in order to natural feeding as long as possible?

The fact that the body of each woman is individual. Some volume enclosing more milk than others. And it does not depend on external breast size. That is why some moms talking about what to feed hourly and quite possibly insist on this method, suggest to friends. After listening to the advice other moms delay the time between feedings, which in turn, inhibits lactation, because such women should feed the baby often - the body is not fooled.

Interesting that the stomach of the infant adjusts to the volume of the breast. That's what tells Olga, the mother of two children:

"The time when I was nursing, seemed endless. Daughter "hung" on the breast every half hour. Because of the need to go to work, had some go for mixed feeding. But the baby does not drink even half of the standing rules at a time specified on the box. As a mixture to feed is often impossible, was forced to establish breastfeeding so that in my absence the baby was fed expressed breast milk on demand.

Conclusion from the foregoing you can make one: feeding on demand is the key to successful breastfeeding every mother.