Why gums bleed?

In the mouth there are hundreds of species of microorganisms. An imbalance of the flora of the mouth can lead to gum disease, called gingivitis. Inflammation ensures bleeding gums. In this state man is being tortured and reddened and inflamed gums, and the slightest pressure there bleeding and bad smell from the mouth.

When rare or incorrect brushing on them and between them is formed a film of the mixture of bacteria, saliva and food particles. He appears in the thin gap at the junction of gums and teeth. The gums can become inflamed and bleed even with light pressure, e.g., during brushing.

Which contributes to the bleeding?

Some factors can increase bleeding. Fillings, dentures and braces contribute to the deposition of dental plaque and hence gingivitis. Smoking, stress, predisposition and diabetes are also risk factors. The same applies to some drugs, such as anticoagulants. Some drugs can aggravate bleeding.

Anything that weakens the immune system, can affect the microflora of the oral cavity, and also contribute to bleeding gums. Pregnant women and people with hormonal fluctuations are at increased risk. This happens in the case when there are signs of gingivitis. If the mouth is clean, the gums do not bleed.


Inflammation in the oral cavity should be taken seriously because they can go to periodontitis. It's just inflammation of the periodontium - the tissues surrounding the tooth root. The possible consequences - not only the loss of teeth. Germs can enter the bloodstream and in the worst case to damage the heart valve (endocarditis).

Who discovers blood in the sink, often doesn't brush his teeth for several days so as not to irritate the gums. But this is completely wrong. On the contrary, requires a very thorough cleaning, because the only way to combat inflammation.

How to brush your teeth?

A thoroughly clean smooth surface, but there is just the smallest amount of bacteria. First you have to clean the interdental space, an external surface of the tongue, and then smooth the surface. Must be particularly well cleaned interdental space, because that is where gingivitis starts. Can help and antibacterial liquid for mouth rinsing. With good tooth brushing gingivitis has no chance to exist.