Before to do the bathroom the ceremony, to stock up on rice powder, ginger lotion and salt scrub. You can buy them or make your own. The benefit of prepared foods is that they contain helpful supplements, extracts and essential oils. This improves the quality of the procedure and the measure of pleasure. In this homemade ingredients is not inferior to the factory according to the degree of skin exposure.

Rice powder in the home can be obtained by grinding grains of rice in a blender. To receive bathroom will need a couple tablespoons of flour obtained. Ginger lotion is recommended to substitute for decoction: boil the root in a liter of water, allow to cool slightly and infuse. Scrub is obtained by adding salt to warm water to obtain a pasty liquid mass. Salt you can use sea, and cook.

Spa program in Tokyo promoting the peacefulness and serenity. So shortly before the procedure it is desirable to light the room sandalwood candle or clear the air with essential oils. Dissolve the rice powder in warm water, you can dive and attach to the points of pulsation in the cervical region the hot towel: this contributes to the early relaxation.

After a while you need to apply body scrub with salt, which removes from the skin dead cells. The scrub should be rubbed in a circular motion with the fingertips.