First you need to remember the most basic rule – do not tell your young person a lot about themselves, in order not to overload it with unnecessary information and not to focus only on yourself. One should not brag and fish for compliments.

Try to avoid the topic of financial situation which of you earns. One should not focus on bad habits, illnesses, ex-partners is not a topic for conversation on a first date.

Avoid in a conversation so that you have different views. If this topic has been raised, you should try in conversation to change the subject, maximally distant party from the conflict conversation. Allow the guy to show off their knowledge – make a surprised face and do not apply mind that you have already heard.

Also better to turn off mobile phone to avoid talking on the phone. If you're distracted by the phone, partner will think you are bored and not interested. Not worth it in the end of the meeting to ask the question: if it's ringing? In this moment, as a rule, guys are trying to take the initiative.

In any case, we should try to date as much as possible of positive emotions, because to do flirt with the guy you like is always great.