So, starting capital of $ 4,000. To open an individual enterprise will cost $ 35. As the room fits the basement of an apartment house with an area of 20-25 m2. Monthly rent will cost about $ 500. In the premises it is desirable to maintain a stable temperature with a mobile air conditioner. Repair costs - $ 700. You will also need to pay about $ 900 for the purchase of necessary furniture and equipment.

During the season, from February 1 to March 1, the price of the goods the most high, about $ 2,300. In the offseason, the goods will be cheaper, about $ 400. If the store is small, the flowers have to deliver a pickup. In addition to the flowers themselves will need accessories. Determine the style of flower arranging, purchase colored Hirobumi, interlining, various kinds of wrapping paper and gift products. Cards, soft toys is a great addition to the bouquet. But let them be not very much because the main focus should still be on the flowers.

Clients flower shop are divided into an individual who personally buy bouquets and corporate who bought. Individual customers are most often men. For enterprise customers implementing a system of services, the annual plan for the delivery of the bouquets in the days various events. It is very convenient for customers, effective in terms of long-term cooperation and allows the flower shop to stay afloat even in the offseason.

The best time to open a shop is end of autumn. You need to take care of quality advertising, on outdoor advertising and printing will take about $ 540.

Very important to the organization not only management but also the staff. Your funds invested in this business, it can be recouped within 6 months. You need to constantly train the staff to work with the novelties of floral materials, as competition is high. You need to go forward, improve the service, to invent new and new offers to your customers. In the end, the profit for the year is around 37 thousand dollars.