To benefit from this method of promotion is necessary to start to write a good feature article. Please see the rules of posting articles to directories. Many of them have restrictions on the subject and volume, so you need to follow these rules if you want your article accepted into the catalog and published.

If writing articles is difficult, it is better to order them on the exchange of freelancing. Good articles are not cheap, and on independent writing would have to spend a lot of time and effort. The process can be greatly expedited if you use the reproduction of texts with the help of special programs. This method is the fact that the synonyms can be obtained from one of text few, and each one will be unique, which is so essential for search engine optimization.

Typically, the volume of articles should range from 1500 to 5000 characters depending on the directory. Few allows to publish a short article, in addition to search engine optimization is much more useful to post a longer article. Therefore it is better to write texts from 2500 characters.

Alternatively, you can write a great article for your website, and then create a shorter version of 2000 characters, use it to send in all sorts of public article directories. Thus solving several problems at once, because the site is updated with content and external links increased. Moreover, this short article the meaning is very suitable, because after reading the short version in the directory people probably want to see the full option and click on that link to promote the site.

Most article directories have the requirements and to outgoing links. So, for example, is usually permitted to place in the article no more than three links. And some have certain requirements and density of links, for example, no more than one link for every hundred characters. Based on these calculations and need to place back links in your texts and try not to break the rules, because it is quite unpleasant to the refusal to publish articles.

As for quality links, it all depends on the quality of the article directory and the article itself. The higher the uniqueness of the article than it is competently written, the more value it brings. Besides, it makes no sense to place an illiterate text, because it will cast a shadow on the reputation of the promoted website. Well, the article directories should also be selected based on their popularity. It makes no sense to post articles where few people are or the area which is under the filters of search engines.