Man Taurus it just never leaves you. In detail he does not take offense, as I used to think big. He clearly knows what a woman needs to be with him, and if you are not willing to meet his requirements, it is better to leave him alone. He sees next to him Thrifty, quiet woman, a traditional upbringing.
Over time, the habits of male bodies can be used. It is easy to find the right approach. To return the man-bull, show him that you are ready to make concessions and more than anything, want stability.
If you changed to a man-Calf, and then think of how to get him back, don't expect to succeed. He does not forgive betrayal and will never forget you inflicted a blow to his ego.
If a man Taurus has started to show towards you the aggression, during a quarrel don't need to answer him and try to persuade him. During the emotional explosions of man-bull can't be stopped. Responding to his attacks, you only aggravate the situation.
To return the man-bull, you must learn to wait. Do not respond to his rudeness – let it cool. Man Taurus, despite its apparent rudeness and cruelty, very kind and forgiving. Show prudence and patience, if he really is interested in you, then surely he will take the first step towards reconciliation.
When talking to a male Calf does not shout, and do not practice eloquence, trying harder to hurt him. Leave the last word to him, resist the temptation to yell at him in response.
Give the man a Calf to talk. Let him Express all that I am and will show their generosity and natural kindness. To return to a male Calf, must be gentle, silent, submissive, and patient.