Blood donation is a bold step on the path to selfless action. Medicine evolves as the rest of the industry, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to fully reproduce and recreate the composition of the blood, so it all depends on people.

If you have recently had surgery, illness and so on, please inform the doctor during the examination, which is mandatory before the blood donation. Don't hide your illness, pain, as this may be dangerous both for you and for those who will pour your blood or its components.

Why is it useful to donate blood

This fact is most like to the female. The body is a renewal of blood, which means the rejuvenation of cells. Besides improves holistic body immunity. Even if there is blood loss, then you will suffer less painful for bodies this process. Life expectancy is increasing, as a rule, for 5 years.


Donor to be profitable because the state provides to such people certain benefits. The person who donates blood has the right to two days off, one of which is taken directly on the blood donation day. After the donor has donated blood 40 times or plasma of 60 times) it receives from the state a monthly allowance.

How are you going to donate blood depends on you. Either cash payment or free of charge.

In any of the above cases, your act will be appreciated by those who need blood. Don't forget about moral satisfaction, because you will save lives.

The conditions that must be followed to the donor:

  • do not donate blood more often than once in 60 days, and the plasma is not more often than every 14 days;
  • do not donate blood more than 5 times a year, and plasma 12 times a year;
  • to use during sampling disposable system that for a long time is provided by the centers for donating blood;
  • before the procedure, drink sweet tea and biscuits on-site blood donation, after a hearty meal and to refrain from strenuous activity during the day.