Remove the gland you should be prepared – consult your physician if you have chronic diseases of heart, vessels or lungs to ensure that it will not be a contraindication to surgical intervention. Before surgery you should stop Smoking, lose weight (if necessary).

Special attention requires the analysis of indicators of blood – if you take aspirin, you should abandon it. It is possible that you will prescribe the drugs, regulating blood viscosity, to reduce blood loss during surgery.

Be sure to warn the surgeon about any allergies on medicines and medicines that you take. To go to the surgery to remove the gland should be no less than two weeks after transferred colds.
Removal of the gland takes place under local anesthesia or under General anesthesia. The second option is preferable, if the operation is made to the child, as in this case, completely absent morbid perception, and airway patency is ensured by special equipment. Local anesthesia is safer for the body, but requires an understanding of the process, so it is often used for removing tonsils adults.
Technically, removing the tonsils is a standard operation – glands secrete a special loop of wire, which they peretyagivaet and removed. Alternative options are electrocoagulation, effect on tissue laser, ultrasound, etc. the duration of the operation does not usually exceed 40 minutes. Open wounds cauterize with special solutions to disinfect and promote healing of tissues.
After surgery will be feeling of pain in the throat, sometimes in the ears and limited mobility of the lower jaw, so you need to take painkillers. You can drink some water and eat ice cream – this will help with the pain. Eat and chew solid food (except for products with sharp edges) you need to start as early as possible, this will speed the healing.
Possible complications after surgery may be associated with the penetration of infection, start bleeding or effects of anesthesia. All these conditions require medical intervention.