It takes to bake pork in the oven

To bake pork in the oven you can separately with potatoes and tomatoes, but when the dish has more vegetables, the dish is several times tastier and healthier. The advantage of this baking is that the nutrients and vitamins are retained in vegetables more than cooked. You don't have to cook another side dish, because the roasted vegetables are. To the vegetables add the mushrooms, this will give the flavor of the dishes more bright notes, and the mushroom flavour will not even be clearly felt. Therefore, the most inveterate enemy of fungi is unlikely to recognize them in this dish.

To roast pork with potatoes and vegetables, you can use a baking tray or pots. If you are cooking in a pot, then choose one big enough for the whole family, and it will keep the meat its flavor and will not let it dry.

Before you bake pork in the oven, it is better to marinate

First you need to prepare the meat. As for barbecue, the pork needs to marinate, but if you have no time, you can do without this item. Before how to roast pork with potatoes and vegetables, you need to cut the meat as you need: slices, cubes, layers. Then you need a little to beat him with a kitchen hammer and place in a pot or container with the mixture for marinating, which can be purchased at any grocery store, or marinate your own recipe. This can be vinegar, wine, pepper mix, and so on. You need to marinate the meat for about three hours. If you have not marinated the meat, then don't forget to roll pieces in a mixture of peppers to give the meat some flavor. Sunflower oil should be used on a mandatory basis, as it will not allow the meat to dry up and hold the seasoning in the meat, evenly distributing them throughout the piece.

How to bake pork in the oven

To bake pork in the oven, you can take any vegetables that you like, calculating the time of cooking. For example, if potato wedges are very large, it is better to boil. But if slices are small, then you can bake immediately in the oven. Vegetables can also be marinated in a sauce of mayonnaise and adzhika. Do not forget the cumin, fennel and other favorite herbs and spices. Don't forget to add salt according to your taste.

So, put on a baking sheet or pot of meat, start to lay out the vegetables. Between the pork and vegetables can be spread finely chopped mushrooms. Top, juiciness, you can put tomatoes or tomato slices. And in order that they are not dried, you can cover them with the cheese sauce. Preparing it is simple: grind the cheese using a grater, no matter small or large, mix with mayonnaise or sour cream, you can add garlic here if you like. Place the dish in the preheated oven and bake until crust of cheese sauce, then cover with foil, and continue cooking. In total to bake pork with potatoes and vegetables in the oven will take about 40 minutes, more importantly, to cooked potatoes.