Preparation for testing

Direction to donate blood for hormones provides the therapist or the endocrinologist. Before the analysis, you should avoid physical exertion and to beware of temperature changes.

The last meal no later than 12 hours prior to analysis. For three days before blood sampling to exclude the admission of painkillers, alcohol-containing and iodine-containing drugs.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol. Women to stop taking contraceptive pill.


What hormones influence on that

Thyroxine (thyroid gland). An excess of the hormone leads to increased sweating (cold sweat), disorders of the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, shortness of breath at the slightest physical exertion. A person may hold subfebrile body temperature (37 - 37.5 degrees) for more than two weeks. Rapid weight loss without any diet and sleeplessness can also indicate a high level of hormone.

Lack of thyroxine immediately noticeable. People swells, the face becomes puffy, the thyroid gland enlarges in size (there is a "goiter" on the neck). There is a lack of concentration, confusion, fatigue, depressive episodes.

Cortisol (adrenals). Constant stress lead to an increase in performance. Hormone overproduction "settle" in the form of fat deposits on waist and abdomen, while the legs and thighs can stay thin. People often feel cold, even in summer, the skin reacts more sensitive to pain, slow recovery processes of the skin (even minor scratches long be delayed).

Lack of cortisol causing hypotension, nausea for no reason, and weakness. Attention: low hormone levels can threaten human life and requires immediate hospitalization.

Insulin (pancreas). Since insulin controls the level of glucose in the blood, excess of the hormone leads to metabolic disorders and body fat throughout the body. This person is constantly asking if not eating at least a chocolate bar a day, headache, you receive the causeless irritation, etc.

Lack of insulin increases the concentration of glucose and leads to the development of diabetes. The first signs of insulin dependence: dry mouth, constant thirst and frequent night urination in the toilet.

Testosterone and progesterone (the male and female sex hormones). Excess testosterone makes the woman mannish: the voice becomes lower, there is increased the hairiness of the legs and the armpits etc Deficiency causes depression, fatigue and excessive crying.

An excess of progesterone harmful to men - they have Breasts, increased body mass, and the voice becomes higher. Lack of progesterone is harmful to women who dream of motherhood low levels of the hormone can lead to a premature termination of pregnancy.

Aldosterone (adrenal gland). An excess of the hormone leads to hypertension, increased content of potassium in the blood and increased intracranial pressure. As a result, frequent migraines, increased fatigue, stagnant processes of the cardiovascular system.

Lack of aldosterone leads to a sharp loss of weight, frequent dizziness and fainting.


How to adjust the level of hormones

To adjust the level of hormones will help the following outputs: balanced nutrition, protection from stress, adequate exercise, quality sleep, an active and healthy sex life with permanent partner, a vitamin-mineral complex and timely expert advice. If necessary, the level of hormones is adjusted by means of special injections.