How to use bran for weight loss?

There are several varieties of bran for weight loss: rye, wheat, oat, etc the Most effective form of bran in powder form. Then they are used in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. One teaspoon of bran without top get soaked in 100-200 ml of yogurt 10-15 minutes, after which the mixture ready for use. The principle of "bigger is better" in this case, probably hurt, so do not overdo the bran.

What bran for weight loss work better?

It depends on the person and his individual reaction. You can start with wheat or oat bran. The chair should normalize within the first two or three days. Later you can try different bran for one week, this time is enough to understand, for better or worse affect you one or the other option.

How long do I need to take bran?

They are not harmful, but because you can make the reception of the bran with yogurt for weight loss good morning tradition. For people with chronic diseases of the stomach daily intake of bran can become an objective necessity.

And what is most important: the receiving bran increases your chances of weight loss, but do not eliminate the need to eat moderately. If you overeat and abuse of harmful products, the bran will not solve your problems!