The batteries are hazardous waste and must be disposed of in a special way. They contain heavy metals and carcinogenic substances, and only one AA battery can contaminate up to 20 sq. m. of soil, which is equivalent to the territory inhabited by a few thousand earthworms and a hedgehog.

Meanwhile, few people bother to carry used batteries to a specialized point of reception, the majority of batteries end up in a normal landfill, where they begin to poison the environment. After the destruction of the metal shell content of the battery penetrates the soil and groundwater and eventually enters the water bodies. But if the battery turns out to be the incineration plant, the contained toxic materials deposited in the atmosphere.

The first Russian line of battery recycling was established in Chelyabinsk in the company "Megapolisresurs" is there with all of the Russian volunteers and environmental organizations to send collected batteries.

In the big cities and surrounding areas, proper disposal of batteries today, it is not such a big problem as before. Points receptions massively installed in most solid of hypermarkets of electronics and home appliances, in large shopping centers and stores. Environmental enterprises, for example, the Moscow Center for saving resources, also collect hazardous waste.

The batteries, along with mercury lamps, include some Disinformation. Lists of Disinformation that accepts hazardous waste can be found on the Internet.

Increasingly, improvised points of reception are created on the initiative of the residents in the hallways of apartment buildings. Mounted boxes or containers as the filling are brought by the authorized collection points.

To find the nearest battery collection, ask friends and acquaintances if there are any containers in local stores, or type your question into a search engine and search the Internet. Should look including in social networks, in a local eco-activist groups.