A massage bed "Nuga Best"

Massage bed "Nuga Best" was created for the treatment of spinal problems. The main impact comes through the carriage, passing over the spine. In order for it to work out all parts of the spine, the specialists added 2 wheel that rise from the cervical.

The carriage can be made from 2 materials — turgenieva jade or ceramics. If jade stone is quite famous in the world and its beneficial properties known to many, what is turmani unknown for almost anyone.

Turmani is a fusion of tourmaline with germanium, Korean scientists created. Also, to increase the useful properties have been added and other beneficial effects on the body of volcanic rock.

When you turn on the massage bed, the carriage begins to heat up and turmani additionally works as stone therapy. Besides the undoubted advantage is the fact that turmani emit negative ions, which beneficially affect the formation of new cells.

The result is that the massage bed "Nuga Best" will be able to make a set of procedures. In addition to manual therapy, the patient will receive acupuncture, moxibustion, physiotherapy and magnetotherapy.

In addition to the bed is a low-frequency belt-muscle stimulator and projector, thanks to which you can affect hard-to-reach parts of the body.

Contraindications for bed "Nuga Best"

Do not forget about contraindications to the use of the bed. Otherwise, you can only worsen your condition. In any case, you cannot use the device with magnetic effects to people with pacemakers. It is also forbidden to use the bed during pregnancy because the fetus can start to develop too quickly. It is impossible to do massage and children up to 3 years. You should not use the massager "Nuga Best" when you osteoporosis the last stage.

You can make a list of the most popular contraindications for the use of beds of Nuga Best:

  • Spinal injury and any fracture;
  • Recently surgery;
  • For heart disease need to use the bed with the utmost care, and acute exacerbations and crises need to refrain from massage;
  • Oncology;
  • Open wounds on the study sites, and any other inflammation of the skin;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Bleeding, including menstrual;
  • The active stage of tuberculosis.

The opinion of doctors on the bed "Nuga Best"

Reviews of doctors on the bed "Nuga Best" very strongly disagree. Many experts point out a beneficial effect on patients when used correctly. Conservatives are protesting that the bed can subsequently have a negative impact. Also negative comments about the bed and gynecologists. This is due to the fact that some patients, despite the contraindications a massage, having uterine fibroids. As a result of their gynaecological condition is deteriorating.

Dr. Malko Sam tried to imagine this miracle massager. As a result, he was delighted with the treatment, because back problems had disappeared.

Now, many health centers established these beds. This means that the benefits of massage beds still there.