You will need
  • - aminopenicillin;
  • - cephalosporins;
  • - aminoglycoside;
  • - ftorinol.
When inflammation of the kidneys, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics from a number of aminopenicillins - "Amoxicillin" or "Penicillin". However, these drugs are susceptible to the action of enzymes produced by the pathogens of pyelonephritis, and are considered inefficient. Antibiotics on the basis of the active substance penicillin is mainly used for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys in pregnant women. Effective drug is "Flemoklav Solutab" relating to semi-synthetic antibiotics. It is also assigned to pregnant women, and children from 3 months. The drug is composed of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. The application of these drugs in patients rarely observed side effects.
Strong antibiotics are cephalosporin drugs included in the group of low-toxic natural semi-synthetic means. With timely treatment, the active ingredients of antibiotics prevent the transition of acute purulent pyelonephritis in the form. Representatives of this group are "Zinnat", "Cephalothin", "Tamazin", "Cephalexin" and "Klaforan". The condition of the patients improved already from the third day of therapy.
Drugs of the aminoglycoside used to treat severe forms of pyelonephritis. "Netilmicin", "Gentamicin", "Amikacin" exert a powerful bactericidal effect on pathogenic infection. The big advantage of aminoglycosides is nephrotoxicity. These drugs are not used for the treatment of patients of elderly age, as well as of re-treatment with an interval of time less than a year.
For the treatment of acute pyelonephritis using ftorinol the first generation, such as "Ofloxacin" and "Ciprofloxacin". Antibiotics have low toxicity and are well tolerated by patients of all ages. And ftorinol second generation "Lomefloxacin", "Moxifloxacin" and "Levofloxacin" effective in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the kidneys in the period of exacerbations. Drugs contraindicated in case of intolerance to individual elements of the medicine in breastfeeding and pregnancy. You may also experience side effects in the form of flatulence, nausea, urticaria, genital candidiasis and dizziness.
The choice of antibiotic depends on the type of pathogen that is causing inflammation of the kidneys, and its sensitivity to a particular antibacterial drug. The dosage and duration of treatment determined by the physician based on the condition of the kidneys of the patient. Also antibiotic therapy precedes computed tomography, ultrasound and testing.