What is the bacterial analysis of urine

Bacteriological seeding – a form of research, which identifies the types of microorganisms present in urine and their concentration. The material for analysis is placed in a sterile nutrient environment and the laboratory within a certain time to observe the growth of colonies. If growth is absent, the result is negative and the urine sterile. When I detected a certain increase in concentration that can cause the infection – the result is considered positive.

After that, if necessary is definition of sensitivity of microorganisms to multiple antibiotics, the doctor could prescribe the most effective treatment. This method is also used to determine the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. From all available research methods urine is the bacterial inoculation gives the most accurate results, but its disadvantages are high demands on the material and quite a long time, necessary for the growth of colonies of microorganisms and results of the study.

Indications for urine bacterial inoculation test

Infection of the urinary system;
- clarification of diagnosis when oiled or atypical picture of the disease;
- pregnancy (analysis of rent twice);
- diabetes;
- chronic diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;
- definition of sensitivity to antibiotics and identification of drug resistant type of infection.

How to collect urine cultures

For bacterial culture will need a sterile glass or plastic jar with a lid. At home to sterilize the capacity is not need to apply to the bacteriological laboratory. There jars are sterilized in autoclaves and are issued in special packaging that should be opened only immediately before the procedure, the date of analysis.

Before urine collection necessary to conduct a thorough toilet of the external genitalia, using hygiene products, with the exception of antiseptics, then it is good to dry the perineum with a clean towel and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Need to collect the middle portion of urine.

To gather the analysis, women should try to avoid contact of urine with the sexual organs, which is not so easy, considering their physiology. For men, this procedure is not so complicated, but also requires the observance of hygienic rules. The lid of the jar it is possible to touch only on the outside to bring inside E. coli or other microorganisms and be confident in the reliability of the results.

After collecting the material the jar is tightly closed with a lid and immediately applies it to the lab. The first result will be known within 5-7 days – so much time is necessary for the development of colonies of microorganisms in a nutrient medium. If necessary, your doctor may prescribe this analysis twice to Refine its results.