One of the indicators of an aggressive course of chronic hepatitis during pregnancy is the amount of aminotransferase enzymes, leaving blood in the decay of liver cells. Blood for this analysis pass on an empty stomach in the morning after 12-14 hours of fasting. Other research on hepatitis b is a blood test for HBs-antigens.
Currently, during pregnancy women must take a blood hepatitis C is not less than 3 times. The frequency of delivery of the analysis associated with the possibility of obtaining false-negative results, as well as with an existing risk of Contracting the virus during pregnancy as a result of dental treatment, injections, etc.
As a rule, for the treatment of hepatitis b prescribe drugs etiotropic action (interferons). They are also called antiviral antibiotics. However, in pregnant women these drugs are not used because they have a negative effect on the fetus. In the acute form of hepatitis during pregnancy is not possible to eradicate the virus. A woman placed in a hospital under the supervision of a physician.
Therapeutic measures directed to the maintenance forces of the body, correction of fluid and electrolyte balance, preventing dehydration, conduct supervision over the proper functioning of the internal organs. If you develop coagulopathy, making the transfusion of blood plasma. Pregnant women who have recovered from acute disease or with chronic hepatitis, do not need drug therapy. It is necessary to avoid the negative effects of hepatotoxic substance (alcohol, chemical agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, some antibiotics, antiarrhythmic agents).
Contraindicated significant physical exertion, fatigue, hypothermia. Should follow 5-6 meals diet shown a special therapeutic diet (table No. 5). The diet should contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Pregnant women suffering from a chronic form of hepatitis b, it should be remembered that a favorable course of the disease at any time can go to the island, so you must strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.
A severe form of hepatitis b may have a negative impact on the development of the embryo. In particular, the developing fetoplacental insufficiency, there are disorders of blood circulation. There is a possibility of vertical (mother-to-fetus) transmission. Due to increased risk of exposure to the child immediately after birth, carried out the immunization.