You will need
  • - sugar scrub with salicylic acid;
  • "Bacillol";
  • - lotion against ingrown hairs;
  • - brush with synthetic bristles;
  • - chlorhexidine;
  • - furatsilin;
  • - a thin needle;
  • - tweezers.
Before epilation it is necessary to take some measures. First, disinfect the hands and blades of the device with a liquid "Bacillol". Normal alcohol does not remove all microbes and can cause corrosion of the metal.
Second, to prevent the ingrown hairs before using the epilator, you need to make peeling the skin of the feet. This would require a scrub with hard particles. The procedure is performed on a steamed skin after a bath.
To enhance the effect of scrub is to use a synthetic brush for body. You need to apply the scrub and RUB it in upward movements. This procedure will facilitate the pulling of the hair, preventing them from tearing at the root.
To prevent ingrown hairs during hair removal possible if the right to carry out the procedure. First, you need to treat the foot with ice cube – the skin will be wrinkled and the hairs rise. Then pull the skin and hold the epilator from the bottom up.
To reduce the risk to a minimum and prevent ingrown hairs during hair removal, it is not necessary to carry out the procedure during the critical days, in a state of alcoholic intoxication (some girls use alcohol as anesthesia), and if you had a bad day (fell mood, everything goes wrong, etc.). Compliance with these simple rules will make the session less painful hair removal.
Sometimes the problem of embeddedness women learn after the procedure, for some reason ignoring precautions. In this case, it is necessary to remove ingrown hairs after epilator or prevent its occurrence.
Within a couple of days avoid sauna and beach, do not take a hot bath. Provide the skin relative rest – do not RUB, without pinching and do not hurt her.
Use special lotions that fight ingrown hairs. Massage the product into the skin daily for weeks.
On the third day exfoliation using sugar scrub with salicylic acid. This product gently removes dead skin cells, giving your hairs the way out. Also, this scrub can be used if the ingrown hair is still there.
Remove ingrown hairs after epilator in the salon using the procedure of iontophoresis with aloe. And at home we must have patience.
First, calm the skin with chlorhexidine solution or furatsilina. Then take a thin needle previously disinfected it "Bacillales". Inset ingrown hairs and yank it out with tweezers.