Buy a good vitamin complex with a high content of calcium. Take the drug as it is written in the annotation. Gradually deficiency of nutrients kompensiruet, and you will grow not only nails, but hair and. So the process went quickly, well and efficiently eat. In your diet should include dairy and meat products, and fish and seafood.Do the bath for nails with sea salt. Per liter of water, add 50-100 g not perfumed salt. Immerse hands in warm water and keep for about 15 minutes. Sea salt is rich in nutrients, that is why the rest of the sea nails start to grow before our eyes. Procedure is carried out through the day, but if there is a desire on a daily basis – it will not hurt. If you use table salt, to enhance effectiveness add a few drops of iodine and a little soda.Wipe the nail plate with lemon juice 2 times a day. Fruit acids strengthen the nails and whiten them slightly. Citric acid can not replace juice as all the nutrients as a result of its production are destroyed.Before bedtime, apply on your nails iodine with a cotton swab – this will trigger their growth. The brown color will come later in the morning, so do not worry that you will have to walk around with painted nails too long.Pharmacies sell lucky with a specially designed formula that accelerate the growth of nails. Buy any that you just like. Apply the coating every other day. But to remove it do not use liquid with acetone, buy any other one, for example, which is suitable for the nails – it is more gentle.With regular carrying out of procedures, your nails will grow and get stronger. You will only have to maintain their health and appearance. If not, it is possible that the reason lies in hormonal failure. In this case, pass a full examination by an endocrinologist.
What if the short nails do not grow
Sometimes the growth of nails seems to stand still, although I so want to do a good manicure. This usually happens either because of disease or because of the banal lack of necessary substances to the body. Make your dream come true, swipe a number of procedures which will support regrowth of the nail plate.
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