You will need
  • - tweezers;
  • needle;
  • - antiseptic;
  • soda;
  • Sol;
  • - tar.
Apply on the affected place a little white glue. After complete drying, carefully remove it. You can also use band-aid or tape. This method is appropriate if the part of the pain is on the outside.
If the splinter pierced very deeply, to get it a little more difficult. Make a strong salt solution. For this, 500 ml. of warm water, add 5-6 tablespoons of salt. Dip in a solution of a finger and wait a few minutes. From salt water for the skin to shrivel, and some splinters to come out.
Mix 1 tbsp of baking soda with a few drops of water. The resulting mush apply on the affected area, cover with a clean bandage and leave for a few hours. After this compress the splinter should come out fully or partially. Instead of soda, you can use grated potatoes or onions.
Put a small piece of gauze soaked with tar, the pain. After 1-2 hours you will see the tip of the foreign body outside. Remove the splinter with tweezers. Instead of tar, you can use Vishnevsky ointment — this product is sold in any pharmacy.
If the above methods do not help you to get rid of the splinters, then use a needle and tweezers. Treat the injury with hydrogen peroxide. Press down your finger on the place where came the pain. Appeared grab the tip with tweezers and pull. If necessary, loosen the tip of the splinter with a needle.
After you remove the splinter, treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green or alcohol. If skin damage is strong, then apply a sterile dressing or band-aid.