Many people know that calcium is the main building material of bones, teeth, hair and nails. People who get the item in outstanding quantities, susceptible to osteoporosis, they have deteriorating teeth, hair fall out, and nails become brittle. At the same time may experience muscle cramps, nervousness, mood is gloomy, can increase blood pressure.
Of course, calcium can be obtained from food: cheese, milk, beans, eggs. Only he absorbed from them completely, and the shortage begins to leach from bones, teeth and hair.
In dietary Supplements calcium present as carbonate, citrate, lactate and gluconate. The most absorbable form is calcium carbonate contains 40% elemental calcium. In second place is calcium citrate, a little behind the citrate, but calcium gluconate is the most inefficient form element. These criteria should be considered when choosing dietary Supplements with calcium.
Calcium carbonate contain a complex "Complivit calcium D3", which additionally contains vitamin D, which increases calcium absorption. "Complivit calcium D3" very affordable SUPPLEMENTS that can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is important that this vitamin-mineral complex produced for residents of Russia taking into account peculiarities of their food and climate.
Calcium in the citrate form carbonate, and contains "Calcemin advance". Additionally, this complex is enriched with magnesium, stranded, zinc, boron and manganese. The combination of these elements contributes to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system and the prevention of diseases of joints and bones.
A very rich composition is BAD "Mountain calcium D3" from the company "Evalar". It contain calcium carbonate, vitamin D, titanium, phosphorus, Nickel, tungsten and other elements. Only here, in order to cover the lack of calcium in the body needs to take 4 tablets a day. But "Complicit" or "Calamine" enough to use only 2 pieces daily. In terms of price, "Mountain calcium D3" comes out much more expensive.
Dietary supplements with calcium should only be taken under the guidance of a specialist, because the excess of this element in the body may experience unpleasant side effects: bloating, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. To avoid this, you need to pass tests and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.