Nootropics are substances that improve cerebral circulation, the supply of nutrients to the tissues of the brain, stabilize metabolic processes. As a result of their coursework significantly improved memory, information is processed and assimilated in larger quantities. Because the brain is not infinite, so sometimes it is necessary to help its work.
A very popular drug which improves the functioning of brain tissue, is glycine. It is often mistaken by students when preparing for the session. Because glycine is not only promotes rapid perception of information, but also has antidepressive effect, relieves mental stress, after receiving the normal sleep. Most importantly, this drug is approved for use not only for adults but for small children and teenagers.
Drugs of plant origin is Ginkgo biloba, which can always be found at the pharmacy. The intake of this substance helps to improve the elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels of the brain, improves microcirculation and the supply of glucose to the cells. Ginkgo biloba does not form free radicals and products of peroxide oxidation of lipids, which adversely affect the operation of the brain. As the cumulative effect of the drug, to take it on track – at least 6-8 weeks.
Present among the consumers of the popular drug "Piracetam" which proved to be excellent. It is available in the form of tablets, capsules, solution. It is actively administered after a brain injury, atherosclerosis, depression and the impact on brain tissue of toxic substances. Unfortunately, the medicine many contraindications and a wide range of side effects, so take it only after consultation with a specialist.
When anxiety, fear, excessive nervous stress, after strokes, in the posttraumatic period to stabilize the operation of the brain and improve its blood circulation often appoint a "Pikamilon". If you take a course that improves not only mental performance, but physical as well.
Since treatment with nootropics can cause insomnia, have a negative effect on the stomach and kidney, before taking the drug should contact a doctor. This expert will choose the most appropriate remedy, the dosage and duration of use. Then these medicines will really improve brain functioning and will not cause side effects from the other systems and organs.