Role of chromium on living organisms was studied in the late 1950s, Research conducted on rats, showed that animals that lived in environments with low content of chromium in the products, developed intolerance to sugar. But as soon as the diet was introduced chrome, their condition returned to normal. These studies led to the conclusion that in humans, this trace element plays an important role.
At the moment we know that the main role of chromium in the body is regulation of blood sugar. In addition, chromium is essential for fat metabolism in the body. Accordingly, its deficiency leads to excess weight.
As a result of medical studies, it was found that the daily supplementation of chromium leads to stabilization of sugar levels in 80% of patients. Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the necessity of supplementation of chromium for people suffering from diabetes.
One of the most popular drugs chromium "chromium Picolinate". This biologically active substance is used as sports Supplement to increase muscle growth and reduction of subcutaneous fat. From the chemical point of view, the drug is a derivative of picolinic acid, which is involved in glucose utilization by insulin and is required in extremely small quantities.
In addition, this drug is known for its miraculous properties in the area of weight loss. Usually, it is taken during meals with food. Experts recommend to consume the drug is not more than 400 micrograms per day. Moreover, the tablet must be divided into two equal parts and take twice a day.
However, many sources provide data about the huge number of side effects "chromium Picolinate". We often hear about the fact that chromium in the composition of the drug is carcinogenic. There is also the assumption that it is able to cause genetic mutations and can cause the body irreparable harm.
According to various estimates, the rate of daily arrivals of chromium in the body should be from 20 to 300 µg. All rules depend on the age and health of the person. So, an adult and healthy person should consume only 35 mcg of chromium a day.
In addition, it is worth remembering that it is not necessary to take any supplements, daily intake of chromium you can fill with foods such as Turkey, broccoli or boiled potatoes.