"Cat scratching on the soul" in situations that cause doubt and anxiety. Usually people say that when the alarm state lasts for a long time and did not pass. A person can not find a place, it was dogged by controversy. He doubted the favorable outcome of important cases. If you are sad and bad, it's your soul manifests the excitement. As a rule, in such cases, the more frightening the uncertainty and anticipation of unpleasant news.
"Soul good" — a pleasant feeling of joy and a sense of calm. When a controversial issue is finally resolved, the person experiences a wonderful lightness. You have found a way out of difficult situations and are relieved of their burden of cares and problems. When the long-awaited news for you is good and positive, then the soul along with you a sigh of relief. Disappear anxiety and fear, and replaced by a pleasant certainty and peace of mind.
"Feeling of emptiness" arises in cases of great emotional fatigue. If you stayed a long time in the discontent and in the end you had to accept an unpleasant situation, there comes disappointment and emptiness. Your soul needs to experience positive emotions and to generate interest in life events. Interestingly, in cases where global plans are carried out and fulfilled an old dream, a person may also experience a similar condition. Set informed goals could inspire him to hard work. However, after the joy of their achievements occurs all the same void, and there is a need for new challenges and achievements. When you experience emptiness, it means that your soul needs rest from the passions. Later will come the joy and enthusiasm.
"Soul sings" when you do something you love and are pleased with the developments. If your business is going like "butter" and you get pleasure from each and every day, then you can safely be called a happy man. You pay attention to all the little things of everyday life. You encouraged the singing of birds and beautiful sunset, it is surprising endless starry sky and severe thunder. Soul enjoy your stay in this fabulous world. In this state of mind the person is usually really happy "humming".
"The flight of the soul" — a feeling of extraordinary vitality. In this condition man feels that he is ready to "move mountains" and can work without sleep and rest. Or you may feel a completely new reality. Loving people perceive the world around in a pink color. All of the people they represented good, and the problem unimportant. As if they are floating in the air, towering in their feelings on a common routine. This condition is inherent and creative people who are passionate about a new idea, grandiose plans. They are discovering, are as if in another dimension, and their enthusiasm and performance simply don't have borders. When you're in love, and the power of intention works wonders, it means that your soul is "flying for joy".