Regional maternity capital. The size and order of payment is determined by the region. The law on regional maternity capital passed in all subjects of the Russian Federation. For example, in Chechnya the Tatar Republic and the regional capital is not paid. In the CFA all region adopted the law that determines the results of the parent capital.
Regional allowance for the third child. It is paid from the regional budget since the birth of the child until the child reaches three years of age. The amount of the allowance corresponds to the set in the region of the minimum subsistence level for the child.
Provision of land for individual housing construction. The terms of granting land plots depend on the policy of each region. For example, in Moscow and Moscow region building land is given to families needing improvement of housing conditions. In some other regions, for example in the Tambov region, there is no limit for the issuance of the site.
Allowance for each minor child. Is paid until the children reach 18 years of age.
Benefits for children from large families attending educational institutions:
- free travel on urban and regional transport;
- free food;
- cash compensation acquisition of school supplies and school uniforms (issued once in three years).
Payment of utilities in the amount of 30%. Public services includes payment for hot and cold water, gas and heating. For families living in rural areas, provides compensation for purchasing of solid fuel.
Free medicines on prescription for children under 6 years as well as an extraordinary doctor.
The provision of free vouchers to children's camps (in some regions there are only partial compensation of the cost of the permit).
Free admission to museums, exhibitions, art galleries once a month.
The exemption from tax on personal vehicle. This policy is declarative in nature, it is necessary to go to the tax office.