In 1988, the world Health Organization presented the recommended scheme of prescription pain medications to cancer patients. At the initial stage, the patient is assigned to a non-narcotic analgesic along with the reinforcing effect of pain medicines (adjuvants). If the pain persists, the patient, the second phase may be added to the already existing pain therapy weak opioid drugs. In the amplification of pain can be further assigned to strong opioids, which are called opiates and include morphine. In this technique of non-narcotic analgesic along with adjuvants continues. This approach is effective in 90% of cases.
In the classical therapy of pain syndrome appointed by such painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs like "Paracetamol", "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen," "Naproxen", "Indomethacin", "Diclofenac", "Meloxicam", "Piroxicam", "Lornoxicam", etc. these tools are effective in eliminating mild and moderate pain. The disadvantage of these tools is the possibility of complications from the gastrointestinal tract.
To reduce the number and intensity of side effects, as well as gain exposure to analgesics prescribers-adjuvants (antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid drugs, etc.). Among them we can mention "Omeprazole", "Misoprostol", "Clonidine", "Dexamethasone", etc.
To eliminate the more severe pain with opioid appointed by such means as "Codeine", "Tramadol", "Hydrocodone", "Oxycodone". Most often these preparations are used coupled with "Aspirin". While maintaining the pain syndrome after the second stage, the doctor may prescribe narcotic analgesics that may suppress the intense pain and greatly improve the patient's quality of life. Among these drugs say "Morphine", "Buprenorphine", "Fentanyl". These funds have an impact on the Central nervous system, inhibiting the activity of pain center and reducing the transmission of pain impulse.
"Morphine sulphate" is effective in suppressing serious pain. The duration of its effect can last 12 hours. Initially, the tool is administered in the dosage of 30 mg 2 times a day. If necessary dose increased to 60 mg. "Buprenorphine" has fewer side effects of morphine, but the duration of pain relief with its use is only 6-8 hours. "Fentanyl" is used for the rapid pain relief along with other means. However, the effect of the drug is short, and after the introduction of the "Fentanyl" may require the use of other alternative means.