You will need
  • - the spokes;
  • - the thread crochet.
Tie twenty-loops. Close four loops. To do this, leave nebazhannya five loops in the end of the row. These loops except the last two, move the right needle. Second loop to the right on the left needle thread through the first (the stitches is not necessary).

Following this method continue to route through each other the rest of the loop that need to be closed, place in this one loop. This loop provarite the front loop. In the end, leave five hole and knit the next row from the wrong side.
The following method is based on the decrease of loops on the front side. To remove one loop to the right, proverite two loops together make her face. To remove one loop to the left, first move the loop from left needle to right needle. Thread pull behind perenesen loop. Now, run promazyvanie the second loop. At the end of promazyvanija carry her through the first loop removed. This method is executed when the binding on the front surface.
In places like the armscye and neckline, it is very important to get a smooth cut, without steps. For this, a number of provarite way broaching. The first edge loop, clear, and behind her vivacite through the first.
If you need to close the loop when the wrong binding, you use the following method. Turn the product on the front side. Provarite edge and her next stitch of the front knitting. Will one loop. Place this loop on left needle and repeat the number of loops that you need the same actions.
This method close the loop at the end of the row is called "Lace". Provarite the front row and turn the product inside out. This side row knit like this: two front loops, two clear and provarite them along the front hinge. Move back three resulting loops with right needle to the left. Repeat until, until there are three loops. Of these, the first provarite the front, and two the subsequent - together and pull through the first.