You will need
  • - badger fat;
  • - milk;
  • - med;
  • - chocolate;
  • - essential oil of rosemary and lavender, jojoba oil, peppermint oil.
To prepare badger fat, witopia it through two or more layers of gauze, pour it in bottles or banks from glass and tightly cap or plastic corks. Put the fat in a cellar or refrigerator. Under appropriate conditions it retains all the valuable properties about two years.
Prepare badger fat as follows: fat than meat mince and put it in a pan, which place it in any convenient container with water (small basin or bowl). Place the container on the fire so that the fat was heated in a water bath. Can I use it without the water bath, but in this case fat is usually a little undercooked, and becomes brownish. After heating the fat, definitely put in a cold place, otherwise, all his valuable properties will be progressively lost.
Prepare badger fat in the recipe, which is recommended for smokers and people with lung problems. To do this, take 100 g of liquid honey, badger fat, grated lemon, including the zest. If there is no honey, suitable melted chocolate. Mix everything thoroughly, put in refrigerator and eat three times a day after eating a tablespoon. It is recommended to drink a medicinal mixture of warm milk.
Add in the melted badger fat cow's milk in equal fat proportion. Bring this mixture to a boil, and when it has cooled slightly, add the natural honey. This recipe is used to treat bowel and stomach.
Prepare a homemade ointment with badger fat, which greatly helps in the treatment of rheumatism, radiculitis and arthritis. In melted fat (100g), add the rosemary essential oil and lavender (10 drops each), jojoba oil (30 g) and mint oil (5 drops). Mix all ingredients and put in the cold. Lubricate the ointment sites localization of pain and sabantuya before you sleep.