Sweetness is a relative term, because these products can contain different amounts of sugar or fructose. However, parents include pies, cookies, and candies, and cakes in one group. Give the sweet children recommended after year. In the first year of a baby's life is worth to acquaint with natural sweets like fruit, berries.

Time for sweet

In under one year of age the child forms the eating habits. And only from moms and dads on the little habits people learn in early childhood. Pediatricians believe that babies don't need sweetened water and food. All because the baby met with a sweet first days of life, eating lactose-rich breast milk. The sugar of yogurt, cottage cheese or fruit purees can lead to negative reactions – fermentation in the intestines of the baby.

After a year you can give the baby sugar and sweets, but only in limited quantities. For example, sugar or honey can be added in tea. At the age of three years is allowed to consume per day to 40 grams. sweet and up to six years – about 50 gr. Not to make the baby sweet tooth, it is not recommended to enter into the diet of too much sweet food, trying to cause little consumer appetite. This will only lead to the fact that your baby will refuse savoury food.

After twelve years in a child's diet can introduce dried fruits, fruit compotes, mousses, jellies and preserves. All of these sweet products it is necessary to give a little to keep track of possible allergic reaction. Nutritionists recommend introducing children to ice cream after three years. It is desirable that it was the usual ice cream, no fillers.

What a sweet child you

Give honey to the baby only after three years, because this sweet product is a strong allergen. For candies, cakes, chocolate best age will be the period after four years. All because chocolate also often provoke Allergy.

Ideally, the diet of the child up to three years should prevail candies. It is a natural jam, jelly marmalade. You can buy children candy with pectin, gelatin. Importantly, they were part of a minimum of artificial additives (dyes, preservatives. Will not bring harm to the body and marshmallow with natural composition.

Encourage your child to healthy eating habits – need to eat sweets only after lunch or dinner, Breakfast, not instead of a full meal. After eating sweets it is recommended to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water.